If you’re reading this manual, you’re likely planning to treat this business as a business rather than a hobby. If so, you’ll want to build a long-term, stable business by following these tips:
- Schedule specific hours to work your business every day.
- Have a professional email signature and voicemail message. “Hello, you’ve reached (NAME), Independent Team Beachbody Coach. I’m not available to answer your call but look forward to speaking with you shortly. Please leave your name and number and I will return your call as soon as I can. Make it a healthy day!”
- Save business expense receipts and purchase a file folder and notebook to save and track your expenses. You’ll want to keep track of everything so you will be prepared to work with your tax professional during tax season. This includes business supplies, travel expenses, phone expenses, etc.
- Open a bank account specifically for your business. This will help you track your earnings and expenses.
- Have a dedicated office space in your home. This will help you focus on business activities and not get distracted.