Social Media Quick Tips
Things To Do With Social Media
- Have a Facebook profile and engage daily.
- Post on Facebook 2-3 times per day, with only 1 of those times being Beachbody-related.
- Run your Beachbody Challenge groups via Secret FB Groups.
- Be vulnerable. Share Before/During/After photos and updates of your own journey.
- Update your “About” section with “Independent Team Beachbody Coach,” along with your Coach website URL.
- Make sure your profile photo and cover photo are a good portrayal of who you are and what you stand for. Your profile picture should be a headshot, if possible.
- Treat your profile page like it’s your storefront. Would you want to see your doctor drinking a beer before your appointment at his office? Exactly.
- Remember that it takes time to build credibility. Take objections with a positive attitude, and stand your ground. You are doing great things.
- Add people DAILY. Aim to add 2-3 new Facebook friends per day.
- Once you get comfortable with Facebook, start to pursue another social media platform that best fits your brand.
- Follow Pages such as Beachbody, Team Beachbody, Insanity, Shaun T., Tony Horton, Beachbody Challenge, etc.
- Give shout-outs! If you have a Challenger or friend who is rocking T25, blast it and tag them. Folks love recognition.
Things NOT To Do With Social Media
- Post your Beachbody URL. If you scrolled through your NewsFeed and saw someone post, “I sell makeup! Buy it from me!”, would that be as appealing to you as, “This product changed my skin and my life. I’d love to help you feel the way I do!”? Save sending the URL for the last step of the enrollment process.
- Post CONSTANTLY about being a Beachbody Coach. You’re excited, and you should be. But too much will burn people out of being interested. Stick to once a day until you build the following that WANTS that info from you all the time.
- Post about partying on a Friday night. Remember, social media represents your brand.
- Post someone else’s photos without their approval.
- Don’t be negative. If you have a headache, keep it to yourself. This is your brand. Keep it positive, energetic, and healthy.
- Do not ignore comments. If someone comments on your post, comment back or “Like” their comment. If they comment with negativity, delete it.
- Do not be afraid to share a bit of your personal life. Folks are interested in what you do outside of working out and eating healthy! Remember, once per day should be business, 2-3 posts per day should be personal.
- Do not copy material and use it as your own. Ask the person who first posted it for permission!
- Never forget these are REAL relationships with REAL people. Treat them as such.
- Do not be afraid to post. How will you make a difference in someone’s life if you hind behind the “I’m worried what they’ll say” curtain? Get out there and go for it.