My favorite on-the-go smoothies.

If you’re like me and live life on-the-go, sometimes having a quick mean… even a drinkable one… makes all the difference. As a mom of littles, I love being able to simply grab my shake out of the fridge for lunch and head out the door. So what are my favorite smoothies to take along? Let’s dive in!

1. Cold Brew Mocha

1 scoop Vegan Cafe Latte or Vegan Peppermint Mocha Shakeology

1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

1/2 cup cold brew coffee

1 handful of frozen spinach

1 scoop Power Greens Boost



2. Fruit Blast from the Past

1 scoop Vegan Vanilla Shakeology

1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

1/2 cup water

1 cup frozen fruit of choice (cherries or peaches are my personal fave!)



3. Chocolate for Lunch

1 scoop Vegan Chocolate Shakeology

1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk

1/2 cup water


(Blend it up and crumble a Vegan Almond Crunch Beachbar on top). This one is to DIE for and definitely curbs that sweet tooth… for lunch!


But Jenny! Why Shakeology? I’m a huge fan of Shakeology, as a nutritionist, because of the dense superfood nutrition that exists in just one scoop of powder. It’s not about protein intake, friends, yet Shakeology DOES contain an adequate amount of plant-based protein. I’m also a fan of this product, as a hormone health nut, because of the adaptogens included in the ingredients. We know that adaptogens are great at aiding the adrenals and reducing stress response, and I know, from personal experience, how expensive it can be to acquire just maca, shisandra, and ashwaghanda alone (and those are just 3 of nearly 70 ingredients in this shake). This is NOT your average Wal-Mart protein shake, friends. It’s high quality for a reason.

These are my top 3 recipes for on-the-go smoothies. They keep me satisfied and full, curb my sweet tooth, and keep lunch EASY!


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