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It’s funny… the ONE request I receive for a blog post topic is requested over and over again. I’m finally taking the time to answer the question, “What does a day in your life look like?”

I start this with the caveat that, as an entrepreneur in charge of my own schedule, the nicest thing about my lifestyle is the fact that I own it. If my parents come into town to visit, I arrange my schedule so I can spend nearly 100% of my time with them. On the weekend, I can dedicate over 80% of my time to my husband. Coaching is also my full-time gig. When I was working my corporate job, I spent an average of 15 minutes to an hour per day working my business, which eventually allowed me to leave that full-time job to pursue my dream.

So here goes.

Know this: I’m in the middle of a transition. Because my Team has grown 58% in the last 45 days, I’m transitioning into earlier morning hours simply to capitalize on that quiet morning time when I can work uninterrupted. Prior to this, I was a regular 8am alarm girl, with a bedtime of around 12:30am. Now, it looks like this:

6:05a.m. alarm

I wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast (Bulletproof coffee), and head out the door to teach 6:30a.m. P90X at my fitness studio. On days I don’t teach, I begin my day with personal development reading.

7:30a.m. — 8:00a.m. 

Social Media posts, checking in with Challenge groups, and add value to my Team.


Walk the dog and simultaneously listen to a personal development podcast. My favorites: The School of Greatness, The Chalene Show, Build Your Tribe, Entreleadership, The Charged Life, and Beyond the To Do List.


Teach P90X at the studio.


Do MY workout. No, I don’t work out when I teach.


Personal errands (bank, post office to mail samples, grocery) while drinking my Shakeology.


Shower followed by lunch. Typically green vegetables, a lean meat, lots of avocado, and an apple.


Appointments. New Coach calls, 3-way conversations, in-person meetings, accountability calls, and networking.


Creating content. Blog posts, social media images, videos, webinar training content, etc.


Social media check-ins; down time (right now, I’m studying for my NASM Fitness Nutrition license); prep dinner. Consume afternoon snack (brown rice cake with natural peanut butter).


Teach P90X at the studio.


Dinner and relaxing with my husband. Two evenings per week I have a Team webinar and Zoom call, where I get to connect face-to-face with my Team! #highlightofmyweek


Bed time. Maybe a little reading before bed, but lights out by 11:00p.m.

I typically spend around 2-3 hours on Sunday meal prepping for the week. Chris and I go to the grocery together (this weekend, it was a dual trip to Trader Joe’s and Fresh Thyme), and then I make ALL lunches and buy all dinner ingredients for the week. To learn more about how I meal prep, check out that blog post. To learn more about what I buy at the grocery, read here.

The bottom line is this… I average 5-6 hours per day on my Beachbody business, and 2-3 hours at my fitness studio teaching classes. I used to work 7-8 hours a day for someone else, helping pursue their dream. This beats that by 200%. I’m fulfilling my purpose. I’m leading. I’m creating. I’m living my life by design.

Jenny is a 4-Star Diamond Qualifying Coach, the founder of Body Electric, and the owner of RevolutionX Studio, LLC in Fishers, Indiana. 

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