My Top Supplements for Hormone Balance

One of the things that I get asked most is, “What are your favorite supplements for hormone balance?”

First of all, let me answer this by saying… It 100% matters what exact imbalance YOU are dealing with. I highly recommend starting with this Hormone Imbalance Quiz, and then taking these answers to your Dr.

In my SYNC digital course, I provide my course takers ALL of the supplements I recommend you inquire with your doctor about, but for the purposes of this blog post, I’ll keep it simple. These are my top 10 supplements that I use every single day. (Note: I am not a doctor. This blog post is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, but rather, to supply you with options to research on your own and with your doctor.)

  1. Adrenal Support — Most hormone imbalance either starts with, or involves, the adrenals. Too much stress for women, whether it’s raising littles, lack of sleep, or just simply environmental drains, not to mention a steady decline in sex hormones as you age (which equals an increase in stress on the adrenals), means our bodies often need support. I consume Gaia Adrenal Health Daily Support, but regardless of brand, I suggest looking for these ingredients: ashwaghanda, shisandra, maca, holy basil, and rhodiola. My daily superfoods shake is also choc full of what we call adaptogens, which are highly nutritional foods and herbs that aid adrenal support and stress response.  
  2. Organifi Gold or Organifi Harmony — I alternate between these two amazing bedtime teas. They taste rich and chocolatey, and are super good for aiding great sleep (often a problem with women dealing with imbalance).
  3. Magnesium Glycenate — Speaking of sleep and calm, let’s talk magnesium. Nearly everyone on this planet is magnesium deficient, given the churn of our soils over time and the deficiency of the nutrient that exists in our food. Often times, I find that women who start using Magnesium see an improvement in sleep and anxiety symptoms. Check out Lara Briden’s post on How Magnesium Rescues Hormones here.
  4. DIM and/or Estrofactors — Your practitioner can hook you up with Estrofactors via your local apothecary, but DIM is readily available on Amazon. This supplement is a superhero when it comes to aiding estrogen metabolism. In a world where we are surrounded by estrogens, and in a world where a large number of women are progesterone deficient and living in the land of estrogen dominance (hello extra weight in the hips and thighs!), this supplement can truly help. 
  5. Probiotics — Without a solid gut health foundation, nothing else will change. Most people aren’t consuming enough pre and probiotics. Talk to your Dr. to see which brand they recommend for you. I personally use Florastor. I’m also a huge fan of kombucha, but be sure to look for one at your grocer that is lower in sugar. Kevita is my fave!
  6. B complex vitamins and Vitamin C — Vitamin C, while great for immunity, is also great for boosting progesterone and aiding hormones. When it comes to B complex vitamins (particularly, B5-B6), I recommend asking your Dr. about a sublingual liquid drop, usually available from your local apothecary.
  7. Zinc — I’ll simply link you yet again to Lara Briden’s article on Why Zinc is One of Her Faves. Since starting Zinc over a year ago, I’ve not only boosted my immunity, but I’ve also seen drastic improvement in PMS symptoms and menstrual cramps. 
  8. For the woman who loves to lift heavy, I recommend checking out Nuun Rest, a magnesium-based muscle recovery drink perfect for bedtime. 
  9. BCAA’s with L-leucine for your post-workout needs. As we discuss in the SYNC course, women need at least 20g of protein immediately after their workouts (40g if you’re menopausal and beyond). Look for BCAAs with around 20g of protein that also includes L-leucine. This is the one I consume. 
  10. Cruciferous veggies. I realize this isn’t a supplement drink or pill, but goodness knows you can find some broccoli at your local grocer! Cruciferous veggies are so crucial to your hormone metabolism. Increase those greens, baby!

I hope you know that even the most obsessive nutrition nut out there isn’t consuming enough of the right foods in their diet to aid the stressors that this world provides. It’s up to US to do the work on our own bodies, through proper testing, to find the supplements that work best for each of us. I’ve found, in working with dozens of women, that the supplements listed above are rarely refuted by their doctors (I haven’t had a single client tell me their doctor didn’t approve), and often times, many of them report back that they’re sleeping better, have more energy, and know they’re now on the right track.

My hope for you is that you start the journey to discovering the nuances of your body and what it needs. It’s such a powerful thing when you can align with your physiology and live your best life!



Check out the SYNC Digital Course here!

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