
Here’s the down and dirty of it.

Every day, we are bombarded with advertising for various weight loss programs that entice us to simply take 24 days worth of artificial appetite suppressant pills, or wrap our body in some sort of weird corset to help us “lose inches,” or even drink 2 shakes a day instead of consume real food in order to reduce our caloric intake.

So when you’re scrolling your Facebook NewsFeed and you see someone talk about Shakeology, isn’t it in the same category?

As a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer, I can tell you with complete confidence that NO, Shakeology is not in the same category, and here’s why…

The Truth About:

Meal Replacement Shakes/Protein Shakes

These exist in order to give your body the feeling of satiety, meaning the satisfied feeling of fullness, while delivering minimal calories. Of course, as we know, when you expend more calories than you consume, you will likely see results in weight loss.

But here’s what they don’t tell you: You have no idea the quality of those calories and what ingredients exist in that meal replacement shake. By consuming this type of shake, you’re essentially doing the action required for weight loss (consuming less calories than you’re expending), but you’re also starving your body of adequate nutrition, leaving you feeling tired, irritable, and lacking energy.

“But it says ‘whey protein shake’ on the label?” you ask.

“Yes, but it’s most likely a very low quality whey protein with several added artificial ingredients that can cause severe internal inflammation,” I answer.

The quality of what you consume is so dang important, because what we essentially want is for you to transform your body from the inside out. Not to mention the fact that most Americans consume plentiful amounts of protein, and what happens when you consume it in excess? Weight gain. Yeah. No fun.

Why I Drink and Recommend Shakeology:

In one phrase: Because it’s a quick and easy daily dose of dense nutrition.

As in, I throw it into a blender, I add ice and some coconut milk, and I go on about my day knowing that I’ve consumed all of my fruits and vegetables for the day in one serving. As an added bonus, it contains 17g of protein (you have an option between high-grade whey protein or a vegan brown rice/pea protein, which I prefer), my daily probiotics, and antioxidants to help prevent free radicals (cancer-causing agents).

I’ve been consuming the product for 5 years and have helped hundreds change not only their weight but their LIFE. They consume real nutrition and they feel better. Isn’t that what it’s all about? More than once a week I hear from clients claiming to have lower blood pressure and cholesterol, better range of motion in their joints, and less belly bloat simply from exercising and consuming Shakeology. I wholeheartedly believe in the product because of what it’s done for both my clients and myself, but I also believe in it because I’ve done my research. Here’s what I know:

* Shakeology contains ZERO artificial flavors and/or chemicals.

* Every whole food ingredient in Shakeology is properly harvested and “cooked” according to what will achieve optimal nutritional density in powder form.

* Shakeology is gluten-free, can be dairy free (vegan formula), and is Certified Low Glycemic Index, making it approved for diabetics.

* Beachbody partners with local farmers in areas all over the world in order to utilize the best foods from the world’s best soils. One great example: 99% of vanilla you see on the market is artificially flavored. Vanilla Shakeology legitimately comes from the vanilla bean grown in Madagascar, one of the only pure forms of vanilla on the planet.

* When I Google “Shakeology ingredients,” the ingredient chart appears.

* Everything in Shakeology is a real food/herb.

* Shakeology can seem expensive… until you consume it. Then you realize it’s worth every penny. Your health is worth it.

* Shakeology’s tagline is “The healthiest meal of the day.” Not “The weight loss shake to make your skinny dreams come true.”

* Beachbody Before and Afters show a change in body composition (i.e., body fat reduction), muscle tone, and confidence.

* When you consume Shakeology, you’re still consuming only 170 calories, helping you to achieve weight loss while NOT starving yourself and getting your body what it needs to thrive.

Things to Keep in Mind:

Here are my Top 7 things to make mental note of when a friend asks you to try a shake, or when you walk into GNC:

1) What is the first ingredient listed on the label? The first ingredient listed MUST be, per FDA regulations, the ingredient most prevalent in the product.

2) Can you pronounce all of the ingredients? Do the ingredients sound like real food or chemical additives?

3) Are the ingredients easily searchable? When you Google them, does the ingredient chart pop up or do you have to dig around to find it?

4) How much does it cost? I hate to say it, but if it’s cheap in cost, it’s likely cheap in quality. Also, take a look at the cost per serving. Often times, a jug of protein powder from GNC gets you through about 2 weeks, where something like Shakeology would get you through 30 days.

5) Is the motive behind the product to help you become healthier, or help you lose weight? Several companies endorse their shakes as being so simple you don’t need exercise! Be wary of that. The body is meant to move.

6) Check out the Before and After photos (if applicable). I know for me, I’d rather see results in the form of not only weight loss, but muscle tone and an obvious change in confidence versus someone that simply looks like a smaller version of unhealthy.

7) Does it come with someone to help you stay accountable to your goals, like a Coach? Or is the product simply a transactional sale between you and the rep?

The bottom line is this: The last thing I want you to do is try something that’s cheaper, that’s promising you results without much effort, and that’s chock full of things that can harm your body. I choose Shakeology NOT because it’s a protein shake, or because it aids in weight loss, but I consume it because it’s good for me. Because there is simply no other way to knock back 70 whole foods, 30 of which are superfoods, without buying out Whole Foods Market and cramming it into my pantry.

A doctor of mine once asked me, “What is the #1 nutrient your body needs?”

“Water,” I answered, eagerly. He shook his head, indicating I was wrong.

“The #1 nutrient your body needs… is the nutrient YOUR body needs. Everyone is deficient in something. Likely, that deficiency is holding you back from optimal health. If you can feed that nutrient, you can become healthier.”

Drinking Shakeology daily led me to a 30lb. weight loss, a regained natural energy, increased regularity, and the satisfaction of knowing I’m consuming a daily dose of dense nutrition every single morning. Not because I’m limiting my body of calories, or taking appetite suppressants, but because I am fueling my body with the true energy it needs.

Think before you buy.

Know before you start a program.

You are your own best researcher. Do your research. Know what’s going into your body. And for goodness sake, make sure you have someone to help hold you accountable and stay on track with your goals.

 Jenny Swisher is the Founder of Body Electric, a 4-Star Diamond Coach, a Certified Personal Trainer, a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, and Owner of RevolutionX Studio, LLC. 

You can learn more about Shakeology by watching these videos:

Where the Ingredients Come From

What Would I Have to Eat to Reach the Same Nutrition as Shakeology?

How Much Would Shakeology Cost in Food Form?


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