What is the #1 nutrient your body is missing?

Do you know?

No really. Think about it for a second. What’s the #1 nutrient the human body is deficient in?

Still don’t know?

Oddly enough, I was asked this question as part of an audience several years ago by Dr. Bill Wheeler, co-creator of Shakeology. Different audience members raised their hands to respond, saying things like, “Water!” and “Vitamin D!”

Dr. Wheeler kept a calm demeanor but never alluded to anyone being right. Finally, he interrupted all of the attempts at answering by saying this…

“The #1 nutrient your body is missing… is the #1 nutrient that YOUR body is missing,” as he pointed to various people in the crowd.

He went on to say that every human body is different. Some of us are deficient in Vitamin A or D, while others might be working to lessen their intake with those particular vitamins. The truth is, every human being on this planet is likely dealing with some sort of nutritional deficiency, whether they know it or not. Why? Because the truth is, the soil in which fruits and vegetables are growing in our day in age is simply not the same. (Here is a video of Isabelle Daikeler, another co-creator of Shakeology, talking about soil quality and the environment in which we live.) To put it simply, repurposed soil loses nutrients every time it is repurposed.

This is reason enough to pursue supplementation in the form of real food; specifically, if you can find it, food that is grown in fresh soil.

*Cue the Shakeology music.*

Why Shakeology is So Amazing!

THIS is the reason, above all others, that Shakeology is so amazing. And before you start thinking, “Of course she’d say that, she’s a Beachbody Coach,” know this: I did my research on this product. IN DEPTH research, even after obtaining my Certified Nutrition Specialist license. So yes, I’m a Coach, but I’m a Coach BECAUSE I believe so strongly that a product like this can change the nutrition of everyone on the planet for the better.

And so, you can imagine my frustration when folks DON’T do their research, or when Shakeology is deemed in the same category as other meal replacement shakes.


So let me set the record straight. Right here, right now.

A meal replacement shake has the connotation, which is typically the case, that it is meant to replace a meal. In other words, folks should drink it as a liquid meal so as to restrict their body of calories, yet leave you feeling full so that you lose weight. In scientific terms, the intention is to put you into a “caloric deficit,” which is traditional dieting terminology.

Why Consume Shakeology Daily?

For the record, I don’t believe in dieting. I believe in living a healthy lifestyle. I believe in permanent changes, not temporary ones. Which is why I consume my Shakeology daily. Doesn’t matter HOW or WHEN… just that you do consume it daily. Some folks DO utilize it as a meal replacement shake because it’s easy for on-the-go, busy people who want to lose weight, thus restrict calories, while also fueling themselves with the nutrients their body needs.

Aha, the differentiation has been made!

A traditional meal replacement shake deprives your body of calories so as to help you lose weight.

Shakeology Gives You Energy

Shakeology fuels your body with what it needs so as to fill the void of your natural nutrient deficiencies, which often results in weight loss.

How can it help you lose weight? Because it’s under 200 calories (yet still getting your body what it needs), so it’s creating a calorie deficit in the right way. Rather than starve you, you’re getting fueled!

Does it help you gain natural energy? You better believe it! While some energy drinks have created a society anxious for a caffeine buzz, Shakeology does NOT work that way. Instead, it gives your body a burst of dense nutrition in superfood form, leaving you fueled and therefore, more focused.

Does it help you regulate your digestive system? Oh yeah. This might be the #1 raving statement I hear from the majority of our Team’s Challengers. They love the lack of bloating they feel when consuming their Shakeology daily, and find their bodies quite regular thanks to the daily superfood smoothie.

Does it help your immune system? While we can’t technically prove anything or make health claims (as the FDA doesn’t review supplements of any kind), I can tell you that in my own experience, I have gone over 3 years without the need for antibiotics or any other form of prescription drug.

And so, we leave you with this:

Don’t just take our word for it. Do your own research! Read the labels on everything you consume, and know the difference between what’s good for you and what isn’t. Don’t know what’s good for you? Here’s our first tip: Make sure the ingredients on the label are real food, and real ingredients.

Shakeology Fills The Nutritional Void

We think Shakeology is the best thing for you, simply because it helps fill the nutritional voids that we, as Americans, now face.

Are you consuming 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day?

I am. In one glass. And I’ll never stop.

As Shakeology consumers, we are awarded and recognized for consuming the shake daily for our health. Not because we’ve lost weight or succeeded in a diet, but because quite simply, we value our nutrition and wellness.

To read more about a Nutritionist’s Perspective on Shakeology, click here.

To read more about Losing Weight with Cafe Latte Shakeology, click here.

To listen to Shakeology Formulator Darin Olien speak about the quality of Shakeology, check out the Inside Shakeology podcast on iTunes!

Yours in Health & Fitness,

Jenny L. Swisher

Founder, Body Electric


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