What's Coming With SYNC in 2025!

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Show Notes

Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #310! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, I share the most exciting announcement ever shared here on the podcast: We are making SYNC™ even better and even more simplified! We kick off SYNC 2.0 with a model that’s sure to help women thrive, complete with hormone health education along with fitness and nutrition designed for female physiology. This has been a long time in the making, and thanks to our continued efforts to serve women’s health, we feel the time is right to grow and expand. 

In short, women can join our full SYNC™ program and receive access to our 12-week hormone health education course AND SYNC™ Fitness and Nutrition program, along with access to our amazing community complete with experts like hormone health doctors/practitioners, trainers, nutritionists, registered dieticians, and like-minded women dealing with similar struggles. From there, you can choose to go monthly to receive continued access and ongoing new, fresh workouts OR our annual plan, which gets you all of the above as well as access to ALL of my hormone health education courses (Functional Fertility, PeriRx, Understanding the Gut Microbiome, Teen Girl Education, and more). In addition, we offer a SYNC™ Certification for women looking to pay this forward to other women. 

To learn more about these details, click here.

To learn more about virtual consults with our resident hormone health doctor, click here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at sync.jennyswisher.com

To learn more about Hugh & Grace and my favorite 3rd party tested endocrine disruption free products, including skin care, home care, and detox support, click here.

To learn more about the SYNC and Hugh & Grace dual income opportunity, click here.

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at https://jennyswisher.com/contact-2/.

Enjoy the show!

Episode Webpage: jennyswisher.com/podcast

310 – SYNC2025_Podcast



[00:00:24] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today, I’m sharing with you a very exciting announcement. In fact, it’s probably the most exciting announcement that I’ve ever announced on the podcast. And that is what is to come this year in 2025 with Sync. We are growing. We are growing fast.

[00:00:41] Jenny Swisher: We’re expanding and I wanted to take time to come on here and just share. I wanted to be able to have a resource for people when they ask, how do I get involved with Sync? How do I learn more? How do I become more hormone literate? Or even how do I become certified? I wanted to have one place that I could send people.

[00:00:55] Jenny Swisher: So that’s the purpose of this podcast is to really just explain to you sort of how far we’ve come and where we’re going, who we’re serving and what we’re looking to do. So let’s start a little bit here with a backstory, right? Like, how did we get here? Because I would have never dreamed that we would be here if you had asked me this in 2019.

[00:01:13] Jenny Swisher: In 2019, I had been a health and wellness coach with Body for, I don’t know, 10 years or so. And I was starting to really crave wanting to serve women on a deeper level. In fact, the word of the year that came to me in 2019 and 2020 was the word serve. I had loved being a health and wellness coach. I had loved helping people with accountability.

[00:01:33] Jenny Swisher: in their fitness and nutrition. And I had gotten my certified personal training license and I had gotten my nutrition license. And I really liked helping people generally speaking, getting a message from somebody that they’ve lost the weight or they have more energy or they feel like themselves again is truly an amazing feeling.

[00:01:49] Jenny Swisher: It’s a very fulfilling feeling. And I remember feeling like I wanted to go deeper. And in fact I had, I kept running into this, this same gentleman. , actually he went to my high school but we were several years apart so I never really knew him. Um, but we kept running into each other here locally in Indianapolis.

[00:02:05] Jenny Swisher: Like I would run into him in the grocery store and at a restaurant. And then I found out when we built our house. That he was actually a neighbor in the same neighborhood. And I kept thinking, well, why, like, why is this person placed in my life? Right? Well, we got talking and I realized that he was a very successful entrepreneur.

[00:02:21] Jenny Swisher: And I asked him, you know, what would be your number one bit of advice for somebody who, who was kind of at the edge of this, right? Like, I wasn’t really an entrepreneur. I mean, we, we owned a gym. So I did own a physical brick and mortar facility, but network marketing was really my start. And I said, well, how do I dive deeper into entrepreneurship?

[00:02:37] Jenny Swisher: Yeah. And he said, well, you, you know, you need to take a look at the person you once were because you’re most qualified to serve the person you once were. And so I started thinking about it and I started thinking about the fact that health and wellness was really my passion. But I had a really long struggle myself with, uh, Hormone imbalance, infertility, chronic migraine, it was a battle that was almost daily for me, right?

[00:03:01] Jenny Swisher: And becoming sort of a, , I don’t know what you’d call it, like obsessive about wanting to learn more about hormone health had led to, uh, Thousands of hours of podcasts and courses that I took and all of the things, right? I had all this experience and all of this knowledge that I knew the average woman didn’t know and I kept running into it Like in fact when we owned our gym I would, you know, I’ve said this before here on the podcast, but I trained both men and women and men would come in and they would get exceptional results doing just the workouts and women would come in and they would follow the nutrition and they would drink the shake and they would do the workouts and you know, they were very picky about everything, making sure they followed every detail.

[00:03:40] Jenny Swisher: And they would struggle in their results. And so I knew that hormone imbalance and hormone health was a deeper layer that needed to be uncovered. So at the end of 2019, I launched what was at first a challenge group on Facebook. It wasn’t a digital course, it was actually just me reaching out on Facebook, telling people hey, I’d love to teach women what I’ve learned about hormone health.

[00:03:59] Jenny Swisher: And I’ll never forget, I had 68 women reach out to me saying, yes, I need this. I can’t seem to lose the weight no matter what I do. I’m doing all the right things, and I’m not, I’m not getting results. And so, I opened up this little Facebook group at the time. I started sharing with women what I had learned about testing that was done on me that no other doctor had done on me.

[00:04:20] Jenny Swisher: and different supplements that I was considering based on my hormone imbalances and it just started to grow from there. Specifically my life coach reached out to me and said, Hey, have you ever heard of Dr. Stacey Sims? And I said, no. I listened to her TED talk. And it was within a matter of minutes, I was registered for her course, Women Are Not Small Men.

[00:04:39] Jenny Swisher: I eventually also took her Menopause 2. 0 course, and I really started to kind of put all the puzzle pieces together. Because someone like Sims, who has done all the research on women, made so much sense to me. I mean the concepts of cycle syncing and understanding your menstrual cycle and your hormonal energies, it was just everything that I had lived and experienced put into scientific proof.

[00:04:59] Jenny Swisher: And so I decided, okay, let’s, let’s up level this because women are wanting this information. And I have a lot of information just based on my own story, but also through these different classes that I’ve taken, let’s make it even bigger. And so we launched the SYNC digital course in March of 2020. right before the pandemic happened.

[00:05:16] Jenny Swisher: And truth be told, uh, everybody went on lockdown that spring and women started coming to me saying, Hey, I think this is the right time for me to dive into this. Right? Like I’m no longer working outside the home or I have a little bit more time and I want to dive deeper on my hormone health. And so the course really took off with another big sort of momentum push in 2022.

[00:05:37] Jenny Swisher: We just sort of have grown like over 500 course takers, strong Obviously we launched this podcast in 2021 to be able to serve even more people. And then from there, we’ve sort of just, I always like to say, we’ve sort of plugged the holes in the boat as we’ve gone. Right. So in the course I teach how to find the right practitioner.

[00:05:55] Jenny Swisher: And I would have women coming to me in 2023, , saying things like, Oh my gosh, your course is life changing, but I’m still struggling to find the right doctor. Like I’ve, I’ve tried with my OBGYN, I’ve tried with my PCP, I’ve tried with. You know, even functional doctors, and I’m not getting anywhere. And so, it was at that time that I decided to investigate partnering with an actual hormone health informed doctor.

[00:06:16] Jenny Swisher: Which, by the way, only 3 percent of doctors are hormone health knowledgeable. And so, finding someone who really understood and who was truly, truly menopause certified was key. So that’s when we decided last year to partner with Dr. Page and offer telehealth consults. So we expanded from just hormone health education to being able to actually also refer people into our telehealth program.

[00:06:40] Jenny Swisher: From there, you know, obviously you guys, if you’ve been listening to this show for a while, you know that the Beachbody slash body platform kind of, um, changed and shifted and the business model shifted. And at that time, I was referring people to cycle syncing fitness plans using the body platform. And finally, in spring of last year, we decided we needed our own fitness platform.

[00:07:02] Jenny Swisher: Because. The reality is the majority of home fitness workouts and even classes that you might take at the gym, it’s all designed for male physiology. It doesn’t take into account the menstrual cycle, it doesn’t take into account proper rest, or even just rep counts and how women should be training. And so that’s when we reached out to Kelsey Lintzman and said, Hey, let’s create a fitness program and workouts for women, made by women, based on the research done on women.

[00:07:27] Jenny Swisher: So we launched Sync Fitness in spring of last year. So, in the last five years, we’ve gone from a little Facebook group to a robust digital course, , the podcast, which is now 310 episodes strong. telehealth consults and fitness and nutrition. So, uh, you know, we have a registered dietitian, sort of resident in our, in our course and community.

[00:07:46] Jenny Swisher: We have Dr. Page. We have so many amazing resources. We also of course have the certification, which I’ll dive into here in a minute, but it really has just continued to grow and serve women in a deeper way. Now, at the time of this recording, we just launched today, So we now have everything available in Spanish.

[00:08:05] Jenny Swisher: Big shout out to my friend Catalina, who did all of the translations. She translated all of the course videos, all of the course files, so that we are able to now serve women who speak Spanish. , and interestingly, Dr. Page speaks Spanish as well. So we’re also offering virtual telehealth consults in Espanol.

[00:08:22] Jenny Swisher: So this is, This is what I mean, like, I just keep finding that people are planted in my path for a reason, right? My friend Catalina translating everything to Spanish, and Dr. Page for the consults, and Kelsey for the fitness, and our registered dietitians, and everything that’s been happening, I believe, has been happening for a reason, because we are meant to serve women.

[00:08:40] Jenny Swisher: So we decided, like, we’ve had all these sort of little pieces. We’ve had the course, we’ve had fitness, we’ve had everything sort of living separately, And women would come and they would say, well, how do I do it all? Like, how do I, you know, how do I do the fitness program and how do I get started on the hormone health education?

[00:08:56] Jenny Swisher: And so what we’ve decided to do is to make this very, very simple for people. We are merging all of our technology into a platform called Mighty Networks. And this all goes live next Monday, January 27th. So depending on when you’re listening to this Monday, January 27th is our launch day. And what this looks like is every woman will come in with our start here package, right, which is the 12 week access to the SYNC digital course, along with SYNC fitness, nutrition, everything all in one place.

[00:09:25] Jenny Swisher: You’ll come in there with the option to either keep going at a monthly rate where you can have continued access to the education materials and the fitness nutrition, and more workouts and all the things, uh, or an annual membership. And the annual membership is something that I’m really excited about because the annual membership will also give you access to all of the hormone health education courses that I’ve created.

[00:09:46] Jenny Swisher: So not only sync. but functional fertility, exploring the gut microbiome, , peri Rx materials, and teen girl hormone health education, which is coming this spring, and more on endocrine disruption. I mean, the list of, of, of education that I have created continues to grow. So this is what we’re looking at.

[00:10:04] Jenny Swisher: We’re looking at bringing people into the full picture, right? We don’t just want you to have the education, we want you And the information, we want you to have the application. We want you to be able to press play on workouts that you know are designed for you and your female physiology. We want you to have access to nutrition based on where you are in your cycle, or if you’re perimenopausal or menopausal, making sure that you’re getting enough food and the right foods and making sure that you are doing this in a way that’s conducive to, again, your female physiology.

[00:10:31] Jenny Swisher: So, This is where we’re headed. This is where we’re headed in 2025. We are looking to bring in women to this amazing program to give them everything they need with the option to of course at any time upgrade into a telehealth consult. We didn’t want to necessarily include that because some women say I have the right practitioner.

[00:10:48] Jenny Swisher: I’m already working with somebody. Okay, great. But if you don’t, and if you are looking for somebody, you have the ability to upgrade into consults with Dr. Page as well as part of our community. So, our community itself, prior to this, has lived on Facebook. We’ve had five years running of an amazing Facebook community.

[00:11:04] Jenny Swisher: I told you that’s where we started. , but effective this March, everything will be moved over to the Mighty Networks platform. I will continue to do live streams into that community. I do them every week with Q and A’s. I will continue to bring experts and guests, our trainers, our dieticians in there for more knowledge and information.

[00:11:21] Jenny Swisher: , but it’s going to be awesome to have everything finally in one place instead of Facebook and a course platform and fitness over here. Like everything is going to be in one place, which is exceptional. Now I also wanted to touch on, because I told you I would, I wanted to touch on the certification.

[00:11:36] Jenny Swisher: Because sometimes people say to me, Oh, I didn’t realize you had a certification. Or, what does this look like? Or, how can I be an affiliate? Because they come into the course, and they, their lives are changed, because all of a sudden they’re making progress in their health, and they want to pay it forward to the women in their lives.

[00:11:50] Jenny Swisher: So we have a certification option. Like I told you, we had a big momentum surge in the SYNC course in 2022. And a lot of the women coming through it, they were, they were asking this exact question. They were saying, how can I share this? Like, how can I have an affiliate link? How can I refer people into this program?

[00:12:06] Jenny Swisher: So we are expanding our certification option heading into 2025 as well. And you can become a SYNC certified coach by purchasing our certification package, which also will include the course. So you’ll have to take the course, of course, to know the knowledge and information.

[00:12:21] Jenny Swisher: And then we have, we have a test that you can pass for the certification. This allows you to become an immediate affiliate. So upon enrollment. You become an affiliate for our program. You can refer people into it and receive commission. Um, but you also get more than that, right? Once you pass the certification, you’re able to say that you’re a sync certified coach, you’re able to then expand.

[00:12:40] Jenny Swisher: If you’re already a health coach, if you’re looking to dive deeper into women’s hormone health and really be able to niche down that way and serve women that way, this is the perfect certification for that. So we offer up to 50 percent commissions, um, on everything that we have to offer. Okay. And also something that I don’t mention enough is my mentorship.

[00:12:58] Jenny Swisher: I offer mentorship for SYNC certified coaches through twice monthly calls, live streams, uh, separate community group thread. Like I really do coach my SYNC certified coaches into helping women in hormone health. So this is going to become something that we continue to grow my friends. I mean, Even with the certification, we have built out marketing materials for our certified coaches.

[00:13:20] Jenny Swisher: You know, you have the ability to refer people to our hormone and balance quiz or our functional wellness virtual summit, or even our new protein calculator that’s launching soon. You have these amazing marketing resources at your disposal and even an online retail shop that you can send people to. So that you can really, again, serve women.

[00:13:39] Jenny Swisher: So this is what we’re doing. This is what we have in store and it’s, it’s happening very fast. But as one of my certified coaches just said this week, she said, congrats to you and the team. What an amazing team we have built. And the thing is, we haven’t really built it. They have just come and said, this is amazing.

[00:13:55] Jenny Swisher: How can we help you? Right? With Catalina and the Espanol, like she’s literally, hey, I want to do this for you. I want to serve more women and I want to help the Spanish speaking community. With Dr. Page, with Kelsey, with all of these amazing 200 plus certified coaches, we are changing the world of women’s health.

[00:14:12] Jenny Swisher: I believe doctors and researchers certainly play a huge role, but educating women and sharing this with our friends, this is how we change the game. This is how we change the game for healthcare. This is how we change the game for ourselves and our futures. So again, excited to serve the woman at all phases of life, right?

[00:14:30] Jenny Swisher: From puberty through menopause, through hormone health education and application tools. I’m so excited for this. So if you have any questions for me or any questions about the program, we will link everything up for you in the show notes So that you can look into more or you can reach out to me directly or to your certified coach but my friends What an awesome year that we have in store I mean It’s literally just january 20th at this at the time of this recording And I feel like the world is our oyster like we have so much happening this year so many different ways to really share this in the world of women’s health Things I haven’t mentioned to you that are probably worth mentioning.

[00:15:04] Jenny Swisher: We have teen girl education coming. We have an adrenal healing fitness program coming. We have more hormone health education being mapped out for the summer gym workouts that Kelsey’s filming that we’ll be able to access through the SYNC platform, all of this and more. So if you haven’t joined SYNC yet, let this be your reminder that we are the way for women’s health.

[00:15:26] Jenny Swisher: We’re not about diet culture. We’re not about, you know, eating less and working out harder. We’re not about 21 day anything or five day anything. We are about making this about your longevity and your energy because women deserve to live with maximum energy. So without further ado, my friends, thank you so much for tuning in.

[00:15:45] Jenny Swisher: Again, I’ll have everything linked up for you in the show notes. Until next time. We’ll talk soon. Bye. Bye.

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