Exciting Announcement: Now Offering SYNC Virtual Telehealth Consults with Dr. Paige Gutheil, D.O.

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Show Notes

Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #250! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life. 

In today’s episode, Dr. Paige Gutheil and I share our new partnership on live telehealth consults to the public! These virtual consults will launch for purchase on Tuesday, 5/28. More information on or after that date can be found at sync.jennyswisher.com/virtualconsult. These will be offered on a first come, first serve basis, and will sell out at 80 patients per quarter.

To learn more about Dr. Paige, click here.

You can access the free SYNC sample workout by joining the email list here:


You can hear even more details about the SYNC fitness program in another Q&A with SYNC trainer Kelsey Lensman here.

If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at sync.jennyswisher.com

To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out jennyswisher.com

Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at https://jennyswisher.com/contact-2/.

Enjoy the show!

Episode Webpage: jennyswisher.com/podcast 


[00:00:00] Welcome friends to this episode of the sync your life podcast today, which is normally a solo round on Tuesdays is actually going to be a special surprise. I’ve got my friend, Dr. Page here with me. We’re here to make an exciting announcement to all of my listeners. But yeah, I decided let’s bring her on.

[00:01:13] Jenny Swisher: Like, instead of me, just making the announcement, let’s bring her Let’s do this together and let’s share with all of my listeners and my community what we’re up to. We have lots of things in the works. As you guys know, I’ve mentioned here frequently, the launch of our fitness program, which is coming out later this month on the 31st.

[00:01:28] Jenny Swisher: We’re just as at the time of this recording, about a week away, which is super exciting. But even before that, we’re launching something new. And this is something that I’ve sort of hinted at over the course of the last several podcasts, but I’m so excited for this because, um, truly it is so needed. It is so needed for women everywhere.

[00:01:47] Jenny Swisher: And, uh, to be able to kind of do this in partnership for the two of us, uh, between myself and Dr. Page is really Special. So, without further ado, Dr. Page, welcome to this short little episode of the podcast before we make our official announcement, why don’t you just tell us who you are, what you do and, and all the things.

[00:02:07] Dr. Paige Gutheil: Yes. Thank you. Such a pleasure to be back. We always have such fun chatting. So I’m Dr. Paige Gutile. I’m a board certified osteopathic family medicine physician and hormone expert in Columbus, Ohio. And so I serve women both locally and virtually who are, as I have taken to calling it, have some element of feeling stressed, tired, overwhelmed, overweight, or generally older than we should.

[00:02:38] Dr. Paige Gutheil: And so, so many of us can, relate to an element of that. And a lot of us have been told that everything’s fine or That’s the way it is fill in the blank. We’re aging, we’re stressed, we’re this, we’re that. And as you know, there’s always more to the story. It has been such a pleasure to get to know your community.

[00:03:00] Dr. Paige Gutheil: And, honestly, Has just inspired a wing of my medical practice that is really invigorating. I love serving historically. I’ve loved serving birth till death and comprehensive primary care, but serving. Ladies who are traditionally underserved, and especially those ladies who have been learning from you and just are delving into nutrition and fitness and stress management and sleep and all those things that I tend to call whole health, that incorporate both internally what’s going on with us and then externally in our life, how our, how environment and relationships and all of those things are influencing our health, has just been super fun.

[00:03:52] Dr. Paige Gutheil: The women that I work with come with all levels of, previous relationships with physicians, some very well served, some not served so well, and come with really a knowledge and hunger for just exploring more about their bodies. And so, um, we’re always ready to

[00:04:11] Jenny Swisher: dive in. Yeah, I love that. I like that statement about feeling, feeling worse than we really are.

[00:04:17] Jenny Swisher: Right? And it’s the thing is like, um, I always say women have their check engine lights flashing. So they know something’s off. They know their energy is off or they, they’re not feeling the way that they should. But then when they go to their traditional OBGYN or modern medicine doctor, whatever you want to say, PCP, PCP.

[00:04:32] Jenny Swisher: Not all the time, but in some cases they’re told, Oh, everything’s normal. Everything’s fine. This is part of the aging process. This is part of perimenopause. And then they just kind of hang their head and they carry on and they don’t realize that there’s another way or another option. So, so for the last, I think it’s been, I don’t know, eight months or so we’ve been, uh, offering, mutual consults between the two of us.

[00:04:51] Jenny Swisher: So both of us have been involved in virtual health consults for my SYNC course taking community. So women who’ve taken my SYNC digital course. I’ve had the opportunity to enroll in virtual consults with Dr. Page and myself, where, you know, it’s, they’ve really been amazing. I’ve loved getting to know these women on a deeper level and really being able to serve them in the way that a lot of them, like you said, have come from experiences where they’re just told, Oh yeah, this is part of aging.

[00:05:16] Jenny Swisher: You should just work out harder and eat less. And then they’d eat with us. So they’re like, wow, this is a totally different experience because you know, we’re able to do, Dr. Page is able to do, proper lab testing in the ways that’s needed through urine, through saliva, things other than just traditional lab work, uh, we’re able to really help them from a lifestyle perspective.

[00:05:33] Jenny Swisher: So, so we decided we should take this further, right? I’ve had so many people, from the outside saying, when can I sign up or can I, you know, when can I get in? And so we wanted to make that opportunity first and foremost for my existing community.

[00:05:46] Jenny Swisher: But moving forward effective at the time of this podcast launch, these consults are now public. So they’re open to any woman listening, uh, any woman out there who feels that she really could benefit from a more functional approach to her health, a root cause approach, right? Like really looking at, um, Um, and really just saying, you know, what, how can I optimize myself to really live in that maximum energy zone?

[00:06:16] Jenny Swisher: So I will be stepping out of the consults myself. Dr. Paige will be taking this over entirely. And we, we’re excited to, to offer you guys different variations of these consults, which I’ll touch on here in a second. But as Dr. Page said, one of the things that I know I’ve enjoyed getting to see in the consults so far with my course takers is just the level of what I would call hormone literacy that these women come into the, you know, they come into these consults with, you know, my course teaches them, you know, here’s what to advocate for, and here’s what to ask, and here’s the testing to request.

[00:06:48] Jenny Swisher: And so when they come into these appointments, I And Dr. Page aligns with that. And she’s like, yes, let’s look at those exact things. They, they feel heard and seen. And they’re like, okay, well, I’ve learned about this. And so now we’re having a conversation that’s just on another level. And we’re really able to just get right to it.

[00:07:04] Jenny Swisher: So I’m excited to sort of pass the baton. Somebody asked me recently, they were like, well, why are you stepping out of the consults? And I said, well, To be honest with you, like if I’m being totally transparent, I came into those consults in the beginning because I had to make sure that this was a good fit.

[00:07:19] Jenny Swisher: Like I, I can’t just like, uh, refer my, my community to, to someone regardless, even, you know, even if you have all the credentials in the world, I want to hear how Dr. Page operates, right? So I’ve been able to sit in I mean, dozens upon dozens of these consults now. Um, and I, it’s like we drive on every level, right?

[00:07:37] Jenny Swisher: Like, I feel like we could finish each other’s sentences. I know, you know, most likely the direction she’s going to go now. Like when I hear her meeting with people and I feel a hundred percent confident that she is the right fit for my community and my people. So. Um, as much as I’ve loved being in those consults and getting to know these women, I, at the end of the day, I’m a creator and an ideator.

[00:07:58] Jenny Swisher: We’ve got a fitness program coming out. I’m a podcaster. And so I’m stepping out of the consults, letting Dr. Paige and her staff and team take that over entirely. , but we are still well connected, right? So one thing that I want to talk about is the different options that we have. But before I do that.

[00:08:14] Jenny Swisher: Dr. Paige, anything you want to add to that?

[00:08:17] Dr. Paige Gutheil: No, I would just echo what you said. It’s been super fun to get to know your community and it is. So, refreshing to be supported by you and the consults related to specifically fitness and nutrition, but also know that we’re in in such alignment that women, even without you sitting within the consults.

[00:08:40] Dr. Paige Gutheil: We’ll still get that information that is completely supported by your course and, other fitness and, you know, nutrition professionals. And so women will be getting all the same great information, but in a more streamlined way.

[00:08:55] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, for sure. And the interesting thing is, you know, I find that most of the women that come into those consoles, at least so far, you know, I would say you’re handling 90, 90 to 95 percent of that console.

[00:09:06] Jenny Swisher: And then at the very end, it’s like, okay, what fitness and nutrition questions do you have? And they’re like, no, I’m good. I think I’ve got everything I need. Cause I’m in your course. So that’s another reason why I felt like, okay, if they have questions for me, I’m available to them through the course and Dr.

[00:09:18] Jenny Swisher: Page can, can take these over. So let’s talk briefly about what the different package options look like. And at the time of this podcast. Launch, you’ll also be able to go to sync dot jenny swisher.com/virtual consult. I’ll link that up in the show notes for you too so you can just swipe up. But we have three different options when it comes to these consults.

[00:09:35] Jenny Swisher: So again, this is open to the public. The basic consult package is two consults with Dr. Page. Uh, the first one involves. You know, a protocol of sorts, right? So you’re, you’re sitting down after you’ve completed, by the way, a very in depth intake form. So, uh, I guess I should say thank you in advance for the time you’re going to spend on that intake form.

[00:09:56] Jenny Swisher: Because the great thing is that gives Dr. Page the ability to really get to know you before you sit down to meet. So it’s an in depth, an in depth intake form. Followed by an appointment with a protocol, right? And then probably somewhere around two to three months later at maximum, you’re having a follow up consult to go over how that’s going for you.

[00:10:15] Jenny Swisher: So at the very minimum, you know, you have the option to do this two consult package as our sort of basic package. From there, we have a couple of other options as well. So, uh, the next option involves The course. So if you’re wanting to just become more hormone literate and to understand when you and Dr.

[00:10:33] Jenny Swisher: Page have your consults and appointments, like really what’s going on on a deeper level, what, what could potentially be going on with you as it pertains to hormone imbalance. If you’re interested in cycle syncing, if you’re interested in having the application tools for fitness and nutrition and all the things in that regard.

[00:10:48] Jenny Swisher: This option is for you because you’ll be able to have those two consults with Dr. Page and get lifetime access to the sync course and the sync community. And that community is a powerful, place. I live stream in there every week. I bring experts in there. It’s awesome. And then the third option when it comes to these packages is everything I just said.

[00:11:05] Jenny Swisher: So the two consults plus the course, plus an implementation coach, we decided to call it implementation coach. There’s really no other perfect word for it. Because it’s a health coach, a sync certified coach. So a woman who has gotten certified in the course in the hormone health, course that I created, and they’re also all of them that have applied for this.

[00:11:24] Jenny Swisher: By the way, we have eight of them. Uh, they’re all in some regard, personal trainers, nutritionists, integrative health practitioners. They have credentials behind them too. In addition to the sync certification. So they are there in case you want sort of another advocate with you in the, you know, in this entire process.

[00:11:40] Jenny Swisher: So they will meet with you between one time between your consults with Dr. Page. They’ll also supply you with a custom plan as it pertains to lifestyle based on Dr. Page’s protocol. It’s just kind of that extra accountability. To really make sure that you’re, you’re putting the effort in. So I find that, you know, having the right doctor is usually the biggest hurdle, but then from there actually implementing can be a struggle for a lot of women.

[00:12:05] Jenny Swisher: Right. So taking the supplements that Dr. Page might recommend or, or following through on the nutrition changes, you know, dietary changes or, or fitness. So those are the three bundles, the basic, uh, the basic package with the consults only. The consults plus the course and then the consults plus the course with an implementation coach.

[00:12:25] Jenny Swisher: So again, sync. jennyswisher. com slash virtual consult. All right, so we’re going to wrap this up. Um, final thoughts. What would you say to somebody who’s on the fence who’s like, I don’t know, maybe I’ll just, maybe I’ll just ask my OBGYN to do some tests or maybe I’ll just ask my primary care doctor and I’ll see if I’ll just start there, right?

[00:12:42] Jenny Swisher: Because a lot of people get concerned about what’s covered on insurance and all the things. So what would you say to that person?

[00:12:49] Dr. Paige Gutheil: Oh, first I would say I get it and I’ve probably been there, right? We have all fallen into that temptation of like, maybe this will work. Maybe that will work. Maybe I’ll try this first.

[00:13:00] Dr. Paige Gutheil: And eventually we come back to the point of, no, we need a more comprehensive approach. We need to put everything on the table and we need to be in the hands of Comprehensive professionals that can walk us through the journey. Um, by all means, if you feel like you are well supported and in alignment with your current healthcare team, bless you, but what we are finding is that there are so many women who don’t feel heard.

[00:13:32] Dr. Paige Gutheil: Don’t feel supported. Don’t have aligned health philosophies who are saying to their clinicians. I want to optimize and there’s being told you’re fine. And that’s just not acceptable. So if you find yourself in that situation, I would say just Cut to the chase, invest in yourself. Because you deserve it.

[00:13:55] Dr. Paige Gutheil: We honestly, I get tired of hearing the stories of so many women being gaslit by physicians and other clinicians. It’s very sad, but then also I talk every day to women who are gaslighting themselves. Quite honestly, and I, I mean, we’ve all been there, we’re all human, right? Where we think, oh, maybe it’ll get better, or oh, maybe it’s just stress, or oh, maybe I just need to try harder, and it’s like, no, you deserve to have a comprehensive approach and uncover all the root causes.

[00:14:28] Jenny Swisher: Yeah, I hear it often. I just need to dial it in. I know. I just need to dial it in, right? Maybe, maybe not. Okay, perfect. So a couple of things that came to my mind. I just want to throw in here at the end because I know people will ask number one. I know people are going to say, what about testing? So, when you go through the checkout process, when you go to purchase the consult of your choice, from there, you’ll be prompted with the option to add testing.

[00:14:50] Jenny Swisher: So if you would like Dutch testing, or you need to do updated blood work, that is something that Dr. Page can order for you. If you already have it through your existing, uh, practitioner and you want to just bring it with you to the consult or submit it to Dr. Page in advance, that’s an option too. But here’s what I will say.

[00:15:05] Jenny Swisher: I would say that at least 80 percent of the women we’ve met with so far, if they have lab work that they’ve done through another, practitioner, 80 percent of the time, it’s still not as comprehensive as we would like. Or the, the clinician that they were working with maybe wasn’t paying attention to the time of their menstrual cycle when the test was done or, or those kinds of things.

[00:15:24] Jenny Swisher: So, even if you have that kind of stuff, you know, make sure that it has been done. I’ll say properly, which again, there’s a whole there’s details in every corner here. That’s the whole point of this, right? Is to be able to bring to you. The person to really shorten your journey from here to there.

[00:15:38] Jenny Swisher: If you really want to get. Feeling better in no time. This is the path for you. In fact, that’s why we started this whole thing like eight months ago. This is why we brought it to my community because I was teaching women in the course, how to advocate for themselves and how to find the right practitioner and a lot of them were still stuck on the hunt for the right practitioner.

[00:15:55] Jenny Swisher: And so this takes the guesswork out of it for you. You need the testing. We can do that. And by the way, we do not mark up any of the testing. It’s all at cost. So Dr. Page gets it to you for her cost, which, by the way, like a Dutch test nowadays is like 600, 700, much more affordable here through this console package.

[00:16:14] Jenny Swisher: So that’s an option for you when you go to check out. And then my final question for you is that we get asked often is, is Dr. Page able to help me with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy if that’s needed for me? Can you kind of touch on what you cover?

[00:16:29] Dr. Paige Gutheil: Yeah, so I am able to prescribe, and have licensure that that is able to prescribe both FDA approved and bioidentical hormone replacement and obviously the the focus of these consults are mostly hormonal and we lean into that primarily, but there’s also a group of conditions whether related to body composition or more than sex hormones that I extend my expertise into and so I’m able to You know, cover, be a specialist in that area for people.

[00:17:05] Dr. Paige Gutheil: Um, and so,

[00:17:06] Jenny Swisher: yeah, perfect functional approach to your health, my friends. Okay. We said 10 minutes and we already went over, so we’re going to wrap it up. All right, my friends. Well, this is a really exciting announcement. I’m just as excited for this as I am for the launch of the sync fitness program. Timely that they’re both happening within the same week of each other, but these virtual consults, my friends will launch quarterly.

[00:17:25] Jenny Swisher: So we will be capping these. So as soon as we sell out, we sell out. I know it’s going to be a popular thing because women everywhere are looking for this. I just had a conversation with somebody today. She’s like, what do you think about this telehealth company? I looked at the information. I said, no, it’s a very cookie cutter.

[00:17:38] Jenny Swisher: You need something very customized and individual to you. So this is something that’s needed. I know it will, it will be very, helpful for so many, so many women. So this is launching today. Grab your spots. As soon as we cap out, we cap out and then we’ll launch it again at next quarter.

[00:17:53] Jenny Swisher: So thank you so much, Dr. Page for being here. My friends again, sync. jennyswisher. com slash virtual consult head there and we’ll talk soon. Have a great day.

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