Fave New Summer Recipes!

Welcome to summer!  One of our FAVORITE things about summer are all of the fresh fruits and veggies in season. And if you’re like us, you’re DYING to get to your local Farmer’s Market to load up on the flavor!  Which is why we’ve put together this amazing list of our favorite recipes for summer. […]

Variations on Healthy Pancakes: You’re Welcome.

Who doesn’t love pancakes? Am I right? Nobody in the history of life has ever said, “Nah, I don’t care for pancakes.” And if there is someone out there claiming that… How are we friends? I tease, I tease. But seriously, pancakes are life for many of us, especially on the weekends when we’re able […]

How Much Effort Does the 21 Day Fix Really Take?

Ah, the question you wish you could ask your Coach: How much effort does it really take to complete the 21 Day Fix? Trust us, we know. We don’t like complicated either. And we’re not going to sugarcoat the truth. We here at Body Electric like to keep it real with you! Here’s the long […]

Farmer’s Market Shopping for the FIX!

Welcome to summer! Farmers Markets are in full swing everywhere, which means it’s time YOU take advantage, and we don’t mean take advantage of the donut stand. Farmers Markets offer some of the sweetest fruits, robust vegetable selections, and delicious honey and oils you can find. So where do you begin? We’ve got you covered. […]

The Magical Power of Water.

Are they really writing a blog post about WATER? Yep. We sure are. Water is THAT important. And we don’t just mean for those of you who are rocking out extreme home fitness. We mean EVERYONE. So many companies today are marketing “weight loss” supplements to you that are really just glorified ways of flavoring […]

Body Electric 21 Day Fix Video Guide

Pre-Day #1: Welcome to the Body Electric Vide0-Based Guide for the 21 Day Fix/Fix Extreme! Welcome to our video-based guide! We’re glad you’re here. Over the course of the next 21 days, you’re going to experience what it’s like to feel better, and that’s the bottom line. So often, our society pitches us diets and […]

Nutrition Made Easy: 3 Steps to Winning with Meal Prep.

What can you do TODAY to make great strides with your health? I’m ’bout to tell you. I had an hour-long phone conversation last night with a client that went something like this… Client: When you get a chance, can you email me some ideas for what foods I could pick up from fast food […]