Top Hormone Health Trends for 2025
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Show Notes
Welcome to the SYNC Your Life podcast episode #309! On this podcast, we will be diving into all things women’s hormones to help you learn how to live in alignment with your female physiology. Too many women are living with their check engine lights flashing. You know you feel “off” but no matter what you do, you can’t seem to have the energy, or lose the weight, or feel your best. This podcast exists to shed light on the important topic of healthy hormones and cycle syncing, to help you gain maximum energy in your life.
In today’s episode, I share my predictions for hormone health trends in 2025. Hormone health is a trending topic these days, and for good reason. Women are sick and tired of feeling low energy. So we’re taking matters into our own hands and biohacking our way through perimenopause, hormone imbalance, and more in order to find our maximum energy.
In this episode, I mention my favorite red light therapy light, Lux Therapy, which can be found here. (Use code LUXSYNC10). My interview with Lux founder Tony Kovicak can be found here. I also mention my favorite EDC free company, Hugh & Grace, which can be found here.
Previous episodes mentioned include:
Interview with Hugh & Grace CEOs Sara & Ben Jensen
To learn more about the SYNC fitness program, click here.
To learn more about virtual consults with our resident hormone health doctor, click here.
If you feel like something is “off” with your hormones, check out the FREE hormone imbalance quiz at
To learn more about the SYNC Digital Course, check out
If you’re interested in becoming a SYNC affiliate and Certified Coach mentored by me, you can learn more here.
To learn more about Hugh & Grace and my favorite 3rd party tested endocrine disruption free products, including skin care, home care, and detox support, click here.
To learn more about the SYNC and Hugh & Grace dual income opportunity, click here.
Let’s be friends outside of the podcast! Send me a message or schedule a call so I can get to know you better. You can reach out at
Enjoy the show!
Episode Webpage:
309 – SYNCPodcast_2025TrendsFINAL
[00:00:00] Jenny Swisher: Welcome friends to this episode of the Sync Your Life podcast. Today we’re diving into my predictions for the top hormone health trends happening in 2025. It goes without saying that hormone health is trending right now, and for good reason. Women are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and low on energy.
[00:01:14] Jenny Swisher: Where the top selling books in the 90s were all about diets and burning calories, today’s top selling health books are focused on longevity and biohacking. Nothing excites me more than this. And so to see women hop on board the train to reaching maximum energy, well, it gives me all the feels. Just this past weekend, I gave another keynote to a room full of women.
[00:01:33] Jenny Swisher: And the most common comment received was, I wish I had known that I would learn so much. I would have brought 30 of my closest female friends. This is information that all women need. As I look to create more hormone health education and application tools in 2025, which, by the way, you’ll want to stay tuned to next week’s podcast to learn all about what Sync has in store, I know that this is so, so needed right now.
[00:01:56] Jenny Swisher: Teenagers aren’t getting proper sex education. Endocrine disruption is on the rise. Millions of women are entering menopause in the next decade, and only 3 percent of practitioners are menopause informed. It’s time that we bring this to the forefront and that we go deeper on women’s health. So with that said, the trends that I’m predicting in 2025 reflect a culture of women who have been gaslit, under researched, and are now navigating their own journeys to feel good again.
[00:02:21] Jenny Swisher: The things that you’re about to hear are the things that I hear women talk about most, and for good reason. So let’s dive in. The number one trend that I see in 2025 is wearables. Wearables as our new appendage. When the iPhone was released, it became a third arm attached to our body. Do you even shower or go to the bathroom without your phone?
[00:02:40] Jenny Swisher: Wearable devices for biohacking your health, your steps, your sleep, your stress. This is the new way. I myself wear an Oura Ring and I feel naked without it. It’s actually the first thing I check in the morning before I ever dive into social media or email. I actually open up my Oura Ring app to see what my recovery and sleep scores are.
[00:02:57] Jenny Swisher: I also love my Apollo device, which tracks my recovery and stress, which is crucial in perimenopause. And while it’s not a wearable, my Mira wand is the second thing that I check in the morning to get a feel for where my hormones are in my cycle. Using technology to learn our bodies is the new thing.
[00:03:14] Jenny Swisher: Wearables are here to stay. Number two, a bio individual functional approach to medicine. Yes, finally, functional medicine is on the rise, despite often not being covered by insurance, despite being against the grain, despite pretty much everything. Finding the right practitioner to hear you on your struggles and to help you dig deep on your unique deficiencies and symptoms is game changing, my friends.
[00:03:37] Jenny Swisher: Our partnership with Dr. Page and our SYNC program has been so key for so many women, and I know that more and more women are seeking someone who will go deeper with them. Number three, red light and sauna therapy. Now, I’ve done podcast episodes before on both red light therapy and sauna for women, which I’ll link up for you in the show notes along with my favorite brands, but these have huge health benefits for us and they’re now becoming more and more accessible through more portable devices.
[00:04:02] Jenny Swisher: So while cold plunging can be a little bit more controversial as far as the science and the benefit to women, sauna and red light stand strong. I love this trend. Number four is lessening toxic load. Endocrine disruptors are becoming more and more widely discussed, and while teen girls aren’t avoiding Sephora anytime soon, perimenopausal moms are becoming more in the know and are making wiser choices with simple swaps in their skin care, household care, hair care, and as much as they can.
[00:04:30] Jenny Swisher: We’re seeing companies like Hugh and Grace, which is the company that I’m partnered with, arise with the goal of lessening endocrine disruption. I believe more people are waking up to greenwashing and are looking for transparency in companies. And that is the way of the future for both food products and other products.
[00:04:46] Jenny Swisher: Number five, more talk about the menopause transition, including common diagnoses in the perimenopause timeframe, such as ADHD, autoimmune disease, and even autism. This era of life truly brings about a lot of self realizations. Number six, protein forward diets. I love that my social media lately has been women asking for easy on the go protein snacks and ways to increase their protein at each meal.
[00:05:11] Jenny Swisher: This means that we’re on the right track. Consuming one gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight is what we truly need, and gone are the days of low carb, low fat, keto, intermittent fasting, all the diets. I believe women are waking up to the need for fuel, and not just bars and supplements and powders.
[00:05:28] Jenny Swisher: True fuel, through real food. And yes, I’m a fan of animal protein. This is the way. Number seven, last but not least, lifting heavy ish. Goodness, I’ve been saying this now for six years. This one has taken some time for women to come around with, but I think it’s finally starting to take hold.
[00:05:44] Jenny Swisher: While I still see the orange theory in cardio craze, I’m starting to hear more and more of women finally following the science and embracing strength training above all else. It’s about time. So these are the top seven trends that I predict in 2025 when it comes to hormone health. As I’ve been saying since 2019, ingredients matter.
[00:06:02] Jenny Swisher: The science matters. Advocacy matters. And one thing I know for sure, when women are feeling like their check engine lights are flashing, they’re finally starting to accept that it’s not okay. And they’re looking for ways to biohack or navigate their own journey so they don’t have to suffer. As my good friend Dr.
[00:06:18] Jenny Swisher: Page says, just because our mothers and grandmothers have suffered doesn’t mean we have to. And I am here for what the future brings. My daughters are only four and eight right now, but I hope that they’ll live in a world where menopause is better understood, where endocrine disruptors are avoided, and where women fuel properly versus diet.
[00:06:36] Jenny Swisher: We’re on the cusp of a culture change, and I am here for it. Thank you, as always, for tuning in, my friends. I hope you found this valuable. I will, as I said, link up all of my favorite brands and previous podcasts that I mentioned on these topics so that you can simply swipe up to find that. But until next time, take care and happy 2025.