YOU are your own best doctor.

I saw a grand total of 14… yes, 14… doctors before I landed on one who did the right testing and offered me the right advice.

As someone who had spent the majority of my childhood in hospitals and doctor’s offices (my Dad was diagnosed with leukemia when I was 12, received a bone marrow transplant across the country, and was in and out of hospitals for years), I had always known to trust doctors. After all, they’re the ones with the prescription pads in hand with the authority over medications that can make you better, and their extensive schooling means they know a lot more than the average person about the human body.

And let me just pause to say: I don’t disagree. Doctors are well educated. Nothing about this post is intended to slam doctors or to put them in a bad light. It’s simply me sharing my story in case it helps you become more aware of your own.

When my migraines began to spiral downward in my early 20’s, I did whatever it takes to get rid of them. Multiple neurologists, anesthesia pain consultants, nerve blocks, anti-seizure IV infusions, preventative medications, abortive painkillers, Botox for migraine, and even 4 total neck surgeries didn’t do the trick. 

I was a human guinea pig.

When I was finally introduced to who I now deem “the right doctor” for me, my perspective changed. She started digging into the root causes of my headaches. We did testing no one thus far had done, and we leaned into it. We supplemented accordingly, and I started to learn more and more about the world of holistic health and functional medicine. 

Throughout the years it took to get from chronic pain to living my best life, I came to realize one very important thing: I was my own best doctor. 

I knew something was off in my body.

I knew I wasn’t getting answers.

I knew things were awry.

Thankfully, because of my quest to never give up, and because of being placed in the right hands of someone willing to dig deeper until we found answers (and not just prescribe another drug), my life began to change.

So simple, yet so truly powerful. It’s one of the reasons I feel called to help other women navigate this journey… Because the journey can be long and hard and going it alone often means giving up.

Now that I lead women through their own hormone health journeys, from finding a practitioner and getting the right testing to syncing fitness and nutrition with our cycles, I’m finding that the most difficult thing they come up against is getting in the hands of the right doctor.

What a frustrating thing to be put on a waiting list for someone you think can help you, only to arrive in their office on the day of the appointment to learn they are just like all the others you’ve seen and are handing out samples and birth control and MRIs. Often I’ll have women say, “Ugh, I thought I was on the right track but everything this doctor told me today does not align with what I’ve been taught in SYNC.”

Yep. It’s back to the drawing board sometimes. 

It’s become such an obstacle that I’m starting to help my clients filter practitioners through various methods to ensure their time and money isn’t wasted. 

So what are the signs that you have a doctor who isn’t helping you get to the root cause of your imbalance?

Here are a few:

  1. You tell them you feel off, or your periods are irregular, and they instantly want to get you on birth control. Nope, nope, nope.
  2. They do a simply blood test or ultrasound and tell you you’re fine and it’s all in your head.
  3. They give you prescription painkillers and medications to help your symptoms but do not push forward on getting you answers.
  4. They don’t know what Dutch testing is, or tell you that saliva and/or urine testing isn’t valid. 
  5. They tell you there is no need for testing after you tell them your body doesn’t feel right to you.


Girl, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If your check engine light is on, it’s time to get under the hood. I’m not interested in a surface level evaluation… We’ve got to get our hands dirty! 

You need ACCURATE testing.

You need supplements for YOUR deficiencies.

You need nutritional guidance.

You. Need. Real. Help.

If I have one thing driving me more than anything else as it pertains to this course, it’s this very point. It’s time that we as women stand up for ourselves and our health and demand answers. Pharmaceuticals aren’t answers. YOU are your own best doctor.

I’m here to help you on your journey because I know how lonely and daunting it can be. But man when things align, you’ll be so glad you kept going. 




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