Most likely, you’ve heard the term “Challenge group” by now. Challenge groups are where the magic happens! We have tools in our toolkits as Coaches. We have world-class fitness programs, world-class nutrition in Shakeology…the only thing left is what we exist for: to help people stay accountable.

The best way to do so is through Challenge groups. Typically hosted on Facebook as private accountability groups, we as Coaches invite folks to join the group, add them to the group, and then lead the group with daily posts. The purpose is to create an environment (even if only virtual) of positive energy, belief, and accountability.

If you’re looking to start a Challenge group, first check in with the Body Electric Team Facebook page to see if we are leading any Team-wide Challenge groups in the near future. This is a great way to get comfortable with inviting to a group, and it’s a great way for you to see exactly how the magic happens.

If you’re ready to launch your own group solo style, check out the Daily Coaching Guides in your Online Office by clicking on Sales & Marketing > Product Training Guides > Beachbody Challenge Tools > Beachbody Challenge Group Guides. They are organized by program.

Check out this video for more on Challenge Groups.

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