As mentioned in the 3 Vital Behaviors section, personal development is key to your growth as a leader. Listening to podcasts, watching videos, investing in training seminars, and reading books are all various ways of improving yourself.

To get started, check out this video taken from Beachbody Summit 2013 with John Maxwell:

Then, establish a plan for your personal growth.

Start by reading one of the following books (all of which are available audibly as well):

While these books have been game changes for so many, listening to podcasts often tends to be a more efficient way to fit personal development in each day. Here are a few suggested podcasts:

If you’re new to the idea of podcasts, know this: It’s SUPER easy, and completely free. To download a podcast, just visit iTunes on your phone, search the name of one of the podcasts listed above, and click “download.”

Never underestimate the power of learning, but know that learning means nothing if it is not applied. It is encouraged to take notes and not only absorb the information, but apply it in your day-to-day life. Many Coaches can attest to the fact that growing themselves personally has been the #1 positive change they have seen since becoming an online fitness Coach.

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